Category: primary

May 24, 2021 by Editor 0 Comments

The Importance of ART in a child’s development

Have you ever seen a child smooth cool finger paint over a sheet of paper with both hands, pulling her fingertips through the paint to make squiggles?

May 19, 2021 by Editor 0 Comments

The best books for children to read

Children go through different stages of development over the years. And they learn more from books that have pictures and labels for people and things on the pages.

April 23, 2021 by Editor 0 Comments

Why should you control your children’s Screen Time?

Are there children around you or in your home who are using the phone? And have you  studied how screen time can affect children? 

How does it affect a baby’s brain? 

According to the structure of the brain, our behavior, the brain deals with emotions. The brain  creates. In addition, language skills; balance; the brain controls all the senses of touch. 

Let’s see what this has to do with phones. 

The phone has a blue light. The light emitted by blue screens, such as TV screens and Phone  screens, can definitely damage the brain. 

Not in a day. 

It can happen if you use it every day for about 4 or 5 hours. All of this has been tested by  researchers. 

Therefore, do not use cell phones or screens to keep children quiet. For them, life can be  quiet.

If you think they need to use it for it, first, researchers have looked at children’s screen time.  Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your child’s age. 

Screen Time for Kids  

New recommendations: The longtime “no screen time before 2” rule is out. Here are the latest  recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics. 

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18 months or younger 

No screens are still the best. 

Researchers said that children at this age should never look at a screen. But sometimes they  allow for video calls. For example, when they are having a conversation on the screen with a  parent or someone. The exception is live video chat with family and friends. 

18 months to 2 years 

Limit screen time and avoid solo use. At this age, we can only permit limited screen time but  it is important to avoid solo use. We can use education and knowledge videos for a limited  time. 

The important thing is that an adult should be around. You need to determine which programs  to watch and which ones to watch. Choose high-quality educational programming and watch  with kids to ensure understanding. 

2 to 5 years 

Limit screen time to an hour a day. 

Parents should watch as well to ensure understanding and application to their world.

6 or older 

Place consistent limits on the time spent and types of media. 

I think now you will be clear already why you control your children’s screen time?

Thank you!

April 21, 2021 by Editor 0 Comments

Child Development

Child development is the development of a child’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being from
birth to adulthood. It is influenced by environmental factors and the child’s learning ability.
There are 5 primary stages in the development of a child for their children. Although some mothers
already know, some do not. So in this post, we will share our knowledge.

(1)   Cognitive development skills

The first step is to develop cognitive development skills.
For example, two-month-old babies use their eyes and hands to touch things around them. As you
can see, 5-year-olds can solve simple math problems!!!

(2)   Social and Emotional Development

The second is called social and emotional development that it’s about developing relationships and
emotional well-being.
For example, 6-week-olds will be able to smile and 10-month-olds will be able to say goodbye. Five-
year-olds take turns playing with their schoolmates!!!

(3)   Speech and language development

And the third is the development of speech and language, for example, in 12-month-old infants.
At two, they will be able to understand their body parts.
If they are 5 years old, they will improve their countable skills. 

(4)   Physical Skills

Fourth, they need fine motor skills to develop small muscles and use them well.
It also can pick up small items, hold spoons, flip through the paper, and use crayons!!!

(5)   Gross Motor Skill

And last but not least, the gross motor skill to develop your baby’s big muscles.
12-month-olds can learn to stand up and learn to jump at 4-5!!!
So don’t get upset, mothers, for the development of your children.
I will share with you some training aids
you can use in the next blogs.

Thank you!

February 9, 2021 by Editor 0 Comments

What books should you buy for your child?

Are your children ready to go back to school after the holidays? It is very important to be sure that you are thinking of buying only uniforms for children and P.E but also their exercise book, drawing book, colorful book and also need to choose the right notebook for their educational journey.

So we may help parents who are preparing for this not only their exercise books but also their other behaviors to make sure you choose the right choice for some books that are emotionally satisfying.

Exercise Book

A strong and durable exercise book would not confuse you during studying. Therefore,

  • Good quality.
  • Good at sewing, you should only choose books.

They like smooth and perfume books. You also need to include their favorite cartoons.

Only then can children develop a love for their books.


It is important for your children to be trained from an early age to get into the habit of working on a schedule.

Therefore, when buying these notebooks, you should be careful to choose notebooks with calendars so that your children can write down their daily school schedules.

Drawing Book

If art is an escape of mind, then drawing is happiness for children. From an early age, food, drink, entertainment, and humans surrounded them. To make the best study of animals and the environment.

The role of drawing books is also very important. Make sure the paper is thick.

Colorful Paper

They have drawing books, but if they do not have coloring books, it is not possible at all.

If the habit of drawing is one of their favorite activities,

And it is the beginning of a great way about memory and concentration.

Here are some simple subtractions for kids. It is also important to focus on their friendly monsters.

Well, at least I believe that I can support mommy and daddy.

Let us create a more beautiful life path for our little boys.

May 26, 2020 by Editor 0 Comments

Foster a Love for Reading Books in Kids

The book is a window to the world. By reading a book, you will gain knowledge about this world. At this point, we all should agree that reading is a vital skill that every child needs to develop and grow. Reading provides a critical foundation for success in school and life.

To foster kid’s interest in reading is not an easy job to do, it does not happen magically or by a chance. Teachers carry out the crucial task to create opportunities where children are exposed to book throughout the day. The important point to remember is that it should be planned, purposeful, and done in a playful manner. Here are our top 5 ways to foster a love for reading:

Create a Supportive Learning Environment

The environment of the classroom is essential to encourage children to explore, learn, and communicate. At the same time, it should give them a sense of well-being. Everything should have a purpose. Materials should be accessible to children. Once the classroom is organized, the task at hand is putting literacy into activity settings in the learning environment.

Shared Book Reading

Shared book reading is one of the most powerful ways to promote vocabulary and comprehension. When children are allowed to interact with one another as well as with the teacher during read-aloud, they are in turn practicing communicating their thoughts and ideas using words in books.

Songs, Rhyme, and Word Play

One of the best and most important ways to engage children in the sounds of language is through singing, rhyming, and wordplay. By providing children with various opportunities to listen and play with words, the faster they would learn the language.

Development Writing

It is always important to remember that reading, speaking and writing go hand in hand. Writing allows children to develop their ability to think and symbolically represent their ideas. Children should have access to writing materials in all spaces of the classroom.

Literacy-Related Play

When children are given ample opportunities to engage in role play situations, they can develop their oral language skills, build relationships with others, and become problem-solvers.

Also, keep in mind that children learn best through thematic units. So, there should be evidence of a clear theme being studied through the linking of art projects, printed materials, and books throughout the classroom.

Hopefully, the tips inspire your children or students to love reading.


May 5, 2020 by Editor 0 Comments

Make Math Fun for Kids

Teaching math to your children is as easy as 1+1=2. Forget about pencil and paper, go beyond and make math a learning experience that’s fun for you and your kids. These quick and easy strategies will help you teach your kids math and turn them into mini mathematicians.

  • Make It a Game

Whether it’s old –school card and board games, a puzzle or something more high-tech, many kids are drawn into hands-on activities, especially when there’s an element of competition with a parent or sibling.

  • Put Screens to Work for You

Kids these days love their devices so much, and there are tons of apps and games that could help reinforce and teach math concepts. Choose one that suit your kids the best.

  • Show Them the Relevance

Kids tend to get bored when they don’t see a purpose for what they’re learning. It is important to constantly show them how math is useful in real life situation. For example, involve them in activities like cooking and baking that require them to telling time, checking temperature, and using money while do the grocery shopping.

  • Watch Your Words

Parents may try to be helpful by saying, “I was never good at math”, that instead of encouraging kids to embrace the challenges will stop them from exploring. Access one of the Best Resources You Have – Your Child’s Teacher

If you are looking for something to use to reinforce what’s being taught at the moment, don’t hesitate to ask the teacher if they have any ideas.

Source :

May 5, 2020 by Editor 0 Comments

Designing an Inspired Study Room for Your Child

Schooling at home became a new normal since the outbreak hit the world since the end of last year. Many schools have been closed for months until an undetermined deadline, and automatically the learning process changed. Well, since kids are home from school for the foreseeable future, creating a work/study space is more important than ever. And having a space that gets the creativity flowing and also feels calming, may just leads to better school performance.

Here are ideas from design pros for designing a study room that your child would actually want to stay in.

Think About Functionality

The theme of the room will very much depend on the child’s age, gender, and personality. The overall décor should stimulate creativity and comfort and maintain a functional and youthful look that can last. Bringing elements of nature through décor and prints inside the room can create an uplifting feel.

If you’re creating a study space within an existing room, opt for a desk hidden within joinery that can be closed away behind doors or one that can be pulled out on wheels.

Consider Color

This space plays such a critical role in your family’s home—not only to serve a functional purpose but to help your kids feel they have their designated area. Color selections should create feelings of tranquility and happiness. Avoid tones of beige and gray, because color plays a very large role here by exuding emotions and encouraging your kids to feel comfortable and engaged while in the space.

Add Character

A child’s study room should be functional and organized, but also speaks to the child’s personality. A simple table and chair pairing can lend itself to becoming a study or workstation for your child. Keep a small bookshelf or cart nearby to hold books, pencils, scissors, and any other materials or supplies.

Creating a designated workspace with few distractions is key to promote better focus. If space allows, consider making separate workstations like functional built-in bookcase desks where your children can have their own workstations or where you can work alongside them to help them stay focused.

Craft a Comfortable Space

A desk is, of course, a must, as is a comfortable chair. Nothing sends kids running from studying faster than not having a comfortable place to sit. Storage is important as well, whether it be a chest of drawers, a cabinet, or an armoire.

If you don’t have an entire room to spare, a secretary with a hidden pull-down desk can do the trick and be placed almost anywhere. Kids always love unusual and new secret spaces, so a hidden is extra fun.

Hopefully, the tips above can make kids’ enthusiasm for learning at home even greater.
