Teaching math to your children is as easy as 1+1=2. Forget about pencil and paper, go beyond and make math a learning experience that’s fun for you and your kids. These quick and easy strategies will help you teach your kids math and turn them into mini mathematicians.

  • Make It a Game

Whether it’s old –school card and board games, a puzzle or something more high-tech, many kids are drawn into hands-on activities, especially when there’s an element of competition with a parent or sibling.

  • Put Screens to Work for You

Kids these days love their devices so much, and there are tons of apps and games that could help reinforce and teach math concepts. Choose one that suit your kids the best.

  • Show Them the Relevance

Kids tend to get bored when they don’t see a purpose for what they’re learning. It is important to constantly show them how math is useful in real life situation. For example, involve them in activities like cooking and baking that require them to telling time, checking temperature, and using money while do the grocery shopping.

  • Watch Your Words

Parents may try to be helpful by saying, “I was never good at math”, that instead of encouraging kids to embrace the challenges will stop them from exploring. Access one of the Best Resources You Have – Your Child’s Teacher

If you are looking for something to use to reinforce what’s being taught at the moment, don’t hesitate to ask the teacher if they have any ideas.

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