The Disruption by Covid-19
The global outbreak of COVID-19 has a large impact on many sectors, and the education sector faces a significant jolt because of it. According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics Data, 188 countries have now closed its operation which affects 1.543.446.152 learners or 89.5% of total enrolled learners by percentage worldwide.
The closure is significantly affecting the school calendar in several countries, not to mention the university entrance exams. In Spain, the Republic of Korea, and Vietnam, the school calendar is being adjusted to accommodate lost days of learning. Meanwhile, in the United States, all state tests have been canceled for the academic year 2019-2020.
Schools are hubs of social activity and human interaction. When it’s closed, we face another big issue, lack of social skills. Children are going to miss out on one of the most essential facts to learning and development, how to play in groups and doing team activities.
It is important to keep our young generation well protected during the global outbreak, but it’s also brought up another issue, how to keep them engaged and ensure they do productive activities.
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